Wednesday, 27 February 2008

February's podcast

Hi all,

It's my aim to put a podcast out every calendar month, but I won't be able to make it this month (February 2008). In part I've had a lot on (I'm getting married in May and the wedding's taking up a lot of my time), but in part the topic I've chosen has taken a lot more work that usual (even more work than the past tense podcasts). That's because the topic is word order, and it's one of the most complex grammar topics there is. I had no idea how much existing knowledge of some things you needed to understand others, before I started writing. Because I try and write my podcasts so that beginners can listen to them too, this has made it an extremely hard topic to approach.

I'm now on my third attempt to write the podcast - and I'm a lot happier with this attempt than I was with the first two, but unfortunately I still haven't managed to finish it. I've decided that instead of rushing and getting more stressed, I'm just going to turn this into March's podcast. I hope when I do manage to finish it, you'll all think it's been worth the wait.

Thanks for listening, everyone.



jxn said...
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jxn said...

I'm so glad that I tumbled onto your podcasts on iTunes. I'm listening to them on the Metro, and whenever I have time. It's really great, the way you teach grammar. Keep up the great work, and don't stop making podcasts!


Stephanie said...

I just started listening to your podcast; I've been speeking German all my life, but I know very little grammar. You podcast is helping a lot (though I still need to get my hands on a grammar book).
Thank you for your podcast, and congratulations for your wedding!

Anonymous said...

I too just stumbled onto the grammarpod... brings back memories of school (we had a big chart on the wall with the cases and their effect on der, die and das). This really is excellent, good job and keep up the great work... after your wedding of course!

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

Don't you ever think that the lack of comments here mean lack of interest in your work with the podcasts. I became a big fan of your podcasts and only stumbled here because of a reference you made in one of them.
*hint* You should mention the website in every podcast.
*hint* You should also seek a sponsor!

Laura said...

Thanks all of you for all your kind comments. It's really buoyed me up (and stopped me feeling so guilty about not being able to fit in the writing and recording at the moment - hopefully I'll be able to get back to it soon).

@Gil I will try and mention my websites more often. Do you have any idea about how to go about seeking a sponsor? I've toyed with the idea, but I'm not sure where to look/who to ask.

Signalment said...

Thanks Laura your podcasts are an inspiration. I joined a Swiss company working in London and have started to learn German. I do not know or like grammar but your podcast is great for the train into London each day. Good luck on the big day.

Signalment said...

Your new microphone works really well do you use an Anti-pop screen for the microphone?

Unknown said...

Congrats on your wedding in May! I, too, am saying "I do" in May this year, so I understand how your schedule must be. I just wanted to let you know that I've been listening and re-listening to German GrammarPod, as your lessons are definitely worth a second listen (and a third, too!). Thank you for making grammar so accessible, and I hope you're able to work things out with a sponsor.

Sarah H.

Anonymous said...

hi, i just listened to some of your podcasts and i find them useful.
i think i'll listen to all of them day by day eventually.
thank you for the podcast and take care. H.A.

Anonymous said...

No-one else has yet said anything complimentary to Laura in 2009 so I shall... her podcasts explain much that other sources, including the teacher of my evening class, try to avoid. Starting to understand the grammar clarifies many things. Laura, thankyou! N.

Doanld Wilson said...

Thank you very much for helping me to better understand the German language and to recognize that there is an order to the way in which sentences are structured. Your lessons have have been of such great help to me.

Vielen dank!!


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